Saturday, July 27, 2013

Personal Introduction

My expertise is technology. I believe the line between business technology and consumer technology no longer exists. All technology including mobile technology is used widely by everyone in all walks of life. For the people and corporations that resist technology; I believe their futures are limited, if not doomed.

Blogging FAQ

                                                    Blogging FAQ

Question 1. Are there free options for creating a Blog?

Answer: Yes; services like Googles Blogger, or Wordpress provide free limited services.

Question 2. Is a Blog easy to create?

Answer: Yes; Blogging sites have all the information you need and provide an easy to understand, user friendly interface.

Question 3. What type of files can I post to my Blog?

Answer: Free limited Blogs are limited to text and image files. Premium paid services allow more flexibility.

Question 4. Can I limit access to my Blog?
Answer: Yes; You decide with simple settings who can access your Blog.